Calling all outspoken and passionate activists
Sign up to become a
.SUCKS Advocate today
.SUCKS Advocate today
Are there developments threatening the historical integrity and cultural vibrancy of your community? Is there a company whose business malpractice you’re eager to spotlight?
If you’re a passionate and outspoken advocate — and believe you can make our world a better place — we want to hear from you.

the advocates
The .SUCKS domain registry understands how difficult it can be to compete for people’s attention in the chaotic modern media landscape. No matter how righteous the initiative or innovative the product, it’s easy for a website to go unseen.
With the .SUCKS Advocates program, you can be disruptive, effective and immediately let the world know exactly what side of an issue you stand on.
What it means
to be a .SUCKS advocate
“Sucks” is no longer a pejorative term — it’s an instantly relatable rallying cry that fosters community by aligning those with a similar a point of view.
We want to help amplify the voice of cause-related, customer-service driven or politically partisan groups.
What's in
it for you?

Whether you have an existing web presence or not, we’ll help you establish a foundation for your cause.

.SUCKS Advocates are eligible for financial, marketing and technical support from the .SUCKS domain registry for a period of up to two years
To register, fill out this questionnaire and tell us how .SUCKS could help take your initiative from idea to revolution.
Of course, you may have a use case we’ve yet to consider. That’s the kind of ingenuity and outside-the-box thinking this Advocates program aims to support.