The platform for comment and criticism at Vox Populi Registry has always been aimed at giving passionate people a place not just to speak, but to be heard.
We already have seen such a community emerge. It has been built on matters as straightforward as company customer service, as urgent as a medical condition, as local as a new development or as endemic as a bad meeting, meal or sales pitch.
One place, though, may be even better suited for the dotSucks platform. That’s the two-sided, “screw you, strong letter to follow” world of politics. The role of political speech in democratic societies has been of great interest and from the day of our launch, Vox Populi Registry has sought to support social commentary.
Our Advocates Program is designed to foster this kind of debate. In it “we seek to partner with a select set of out-spoken registrants…who, using their free speech rights and passion, can help make the VoxPopRegistry and the .sucks top level domain, an essential destination. We intend to solicit marketing plans for such sites and select a small group of them to support.”
In the last six months we have seen the start of the U.S. Presidential campaign, the Greek bailout, a fatal stampede at Mecca, a global rush of refugees, a series of mass shootings and the Volkswagen scam-by-software to name just a few events at the intersection of social relevance and political interest – the definition of passion.
Yet we have seen too few proposals.
The dotSucks platform is still a new one, so it is important for us to show a little patience. After all, with as much as has been said and written about us, we’ve likely have only scratched the surface of the public’s itch to be heard.
This will change as more dotSucks sites emerge on the Internet as they do each week. We will do our part, too. First, by maintaining our commitment to the Advocates Program. Second, by moving quickly to support well-founded proposals. And, third, by doing what we can to let people know about the program.
The last point begins with social media – this blog entry, for example, and the Tweets and posts it inspires. We will follow that up with direct communication with the groups already involved in issues such as those noted above. And we will continue to make the program a part of our ongoing marketing.
Our goal, now as when we launched six months ago, is to create a new platform, not just one that makes it easier to make a point, but is easy to find, creating the opportunity for a community of like-minded and passionate people to gather.
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