6 Irritating Food Trends and Controversial Diets

6 Irritating Food Trends and Controversial Diets

Fad diets come and go. It seems like every few years a new one pops up to replace the last craze. The food itself might differ, but all these diets have two main things in common: they promise to help you lose weight in a short period of time and they drive a lot of us crazy.

From Neanderthal cuisine to liquid meals, here are six irritating food trends and diets that have us feeling fed up.

1. Paleo Diet

Based on the idea of eating like our Paleolithic ancestors, this diet includes meat, fish, vegetables and fruits, and swears off dairy, refined sugar, cereal grains and processed foods. America seems to be smitten with this dietary program, with celebrity endorsements from Jessica Biel and Megan Fox.

But here’s the ugly truth. The Paleo Diet has no scientific support, and researchers have called it a hoax. As for the weight loss? Well, you’ll lose a few pounds by skipping bread, pasta and cookies, but it’ll be tough to follow for the long haul since entire food groups like whole grains are taboo.

If you’re with scientists on this one, then you’ll agree that Paleo.Sucks.

2. Gluten-Free

basket of bread

Everyone knows at least one person who refuses to go near bread. While some people have a legitimate reason—like celiac disease—to avoid gluten, others simply hopped on the gluten-free bandwagon. They claimed to feel healthier and bragged about the added benefit of weight loss, sacrificing a balanced diet in exchange.

The problem is that the gluten-free fad seems to be part diet, part cult, with most participants trying to shove their beliefs down your throat.

If you’re following a diet, please, keep it to yourself. We all know that DietPreaching.Sucks.

3. Ketogenic Diet

Similar to the Atkins diet (another full-blown diet phenomenon), the Ketogenic Diet is a low-carb, high-fat diet. It was first developed to help epileptics manage their symptoms, but others soon began noticing the speedy weight loss that resulted.

That’s because the Ketogenic diet mimics starvation by putting the body into a state of ketosis, which means it burns fat for fuel instead of carbs. Experts caution against this diet, explaining that such an extreme diet should only be done under clinical supervision for a short period of time.

Starvation, seriously? It’s pretty obvious that the KetogenicDiet.Sucks.

4. Military Diet

chopped bananas and oranges on cutting board

Followers of the Military Diet consume small-portioned, low-calorie meals for three days, and then switch to regular eating for the next four days. These low-calorie meals feature “fat-burning” foods like bananas, cottage cheese and—get this—hot dogs. Proponents claim you can lose up to 10 pounds per week.

The downside? The prescribed meal plan gets old real fast. Nutritionists also point out that this diet is unsafe for people with certain medical conditions like diabetes. And let’s not overlook the fact that while it’s called the Military Diet, it has no actual ties to the U.S. Army. People who do follow this diet most likely don’t follow the training regimen of real soldiers.

This diet doesn’t fit anyone’s lifestyle. Let’s face it, the MilitaryDiet.Sucks.

5. Nut Milk

Coconut milk may have rocked 2015, but this year, people went nuts for almond milk—pun intended. In 2016, almond milk accounted for 5% of the total milk market. But the truth is, it’s not really nutritious. In fact, almond milk is only about 2% nut-based, which means it doesn’t even offer that much protein.

That said, it’s not that bad; almond milk has given people with a lactose intolerance a dairy-free milk alternative. But those drinking it because they believe nut milk is a healthier choice are just caught up in another meaningless trend.

About time to enlighten nut milk fanatics, don’t you think? Share your thoughts on why Nutmilk.Sucks.

6. Crash Cleanses

jar of juice and sliced lemon

Over the past few years, master cleanses and juice fasts have become all the rage. People eagerly joined in after hearing celebrities swear by these crash diets.

Meanwhile, experts agree that such restrictive diets can lead to severe health risks. Despite all the the hype about the detoxifying effects of cleanses, research shows that crash diets actually deprive the body of vital nutrients and can lead to future weight gain.

Not only is this a dangerous practice, it just doesn’t work, and that’s why CrashDieting.Sucks.

Until we see more long-term studies, your smartest move would be to follow a diet that doesn’t undermine your health or take the enjoyment out of eating. Don’t feel bad about shunning controversial diets. There isn’t a holy grail diet that works best for everyone—it all depends on your personal health and lifestyle.

As more and more annoying food trends surface, people need to understand why they can be a real problem. Step up and share what you think by registering a .SUCKS domain.

Photos: Freestocks.org, Ken Lawrence, Pawel Kadysz, Milo McDowell